Service Provider Locator
Find a Minn Kota Authorized Service Provider near you by entering your city, state or zip code in the box below.
Minn Kota offers two types of Authorized Service Providers:
1. An Authorized Service Center (ASC) has the authority to service any Minn Kota product (excluding Battery Chargers) regardless of where the product was purchased. An ASC can also order any Minn Kota product.
2. An Authorized Servicing Dealer (ASD) generally only services products they have sold. However, an ASD may choose to service Minn Kota products purchased elsewhere, at their discretion. Please call the ASD to discuss beforehand.
If you’re looking for an Authorized Service Provider in a country outside the USA and they are not shown on this list, please email us.
Note: Not all Minn Kota ASP's carry every model or part. We recommend calling your authorized service provider to confirm product availability, purchasing guidelines, directions, etc.
When going to any ASP for service you will first need to remove the Minn Kota product from your boat and also provide a copy of the original dated purchase receipt for warranty verification. If you do not have a dated proof of purchase, the ASP will use the manufacture date from the serial number. In some instances, the manufacture date may show the product outside the warranty period and the ASP will treat it as a billable service'
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